About Me

Hello! I’m Haseeb from Pakistan. I’m an undergraduate student and a Content Writer. 2 Years ago I started my journey as a Social Media Marketer and Content Writer. I was starting my journey at a very little age. When I was nearly 16 years. Because our family was not strong on finical phase and we spent our life hand to mouth. My Father’s job was not extraordinary and in their pay, our expenses are not enough. My Mother’s eyes were lots of dreams, but Expenses do not permit us to achieve our goals. We have 6 people in the family, We are 3 brothers and one little sister. So I can’t see this and I want to achieve anything that helps in our life and make my and my family’s life easier. So In a very hard time, I started with lots of dreams. From time to time and due to hardworking, I was get small successes and given a small amount of money put on my father’s hand.

From time to time, I was improve myself and my business, skills on daily basis. I remember, When I started my work, it was my dream that I should have a personal website. But without money, I can’t. And, Unfortunately, those time I was have not a piny pie that can purchase hosting. Now, I’m happy to share that this blog hosting purchases my own money. It’s tons for me. So, this was my short story.

About this blog: Safemymoney


I’m starting this blog, Because I want to everyone can manage their money perfectly. I know, Every Second Person doesn’t know well how can manage their money (Depiste have money), How to invest, how to make more, How can students earn money and pay off their basic expenses? And Much More. You will be getting vital tips about money management, And I hope, Rather, I am sure After reading my stuff you are able to manage your own money perfectly. So, Stay tuned with me and if you have any questions, You can ping me at any place. Email and Social Channels are given at the bottom. Also, You can follow me on Social Media, I’m also sharing amazing content on personal finance. So, Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. 

You will get: 

  1. How you can manage your money? 
  2. How to make more money?
  3. How to invest?
  4. All content about money management? 
  5. Side-hustle money management tips. 

And More Much

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